If you’re in a job you’re fed up of, here’s a mini newsflash just for you: You don’t have to be miserable in your job!
Plenty of people before you have found themselves in jobs that are making them feel stressed out, anxious and unfulfilled. Many of them have remained miserable for many years. Some clever ones, however, have done something about their plight. Some have attended a 4-week programme that helps them uncover some deep-seated beliefs they have around their work and are holding them back from being in jobs that are much more joyful and aligned with their values and skills.
There are 4 possible outcomes of attending the YES Career Coaching Programme:
You end up staying in the same job, in the same organisation, but have experienced a mindset shift which makes you appreciate and enjoy your work again.
You make some tweaks to your existing career to improve it. It may be that you realise that you actually really enjoy your job but are working for an organisation that doesn't share your values, so you change your employer. It may be that you adjust your hours to suit when you are most productive. You may put yourself forward to get involved in new and exciting projects within your workplace where you get to use more of your skills. Even the smallest tweak to your existing job can make it much more enjoyable.
You’re not quite ready to give up your current role, but decide to start a little side hustle and see where that takes you. Alternatively you might reduce your hours at your existing workplace and try something else in the extra time you’ve gained.
You work out that your current situation is never going to be satisfying to you, so after carefully crafting your action plan, you take the leap into your new adventure.
Which do you think you’d end up being if you were to attend?
If you’re not loving your job at the moment and want to find out how you could massively improve your job satisfaction, why not join the waitlist for the next Group Coaching Programme?
If you don't want to wait or prefer one-to-one coaching, get in touch.
Here are some things previous attendees have said about the programme:
"If I had done those coaching sessions a year ago I would have taken the opportunity to change jobs much sooner, and it would have spared me a lot of stress and anxiety due to a toxic work environment. I therefore strongly recommend Yesim for her enthusiasm and positive attitude towards the whole process of personal growth. A little step back in order to give your career a sparkling twist! Thank you greatly for such a gentle opportunity of self-assessment!"
“I truly enjoyed this coaching program. It gave me a framework to better design my journey toward change, identify roadblocks that I was afraid to tackle, and plan the next actionable steps. The group I was in was friendly and diverse, and Yesim provided a very lovely environment, where I felt safe, supported and free to explore what can feel like crazy ideas at times”