If you’re currently #opentowork, I think you’ll really get a lot of value out of this conversation with Darren Bush. He’s the latest guest on my podcast ‘Your Big Career Move’
Amongst many other things we talked about:
- how job seekers can improve their chances of landing roles
- the importance of company culture
- and the impact of inefficiencies within the recruitment process
- why people get ghosted in the recruitment process
- strategies for addressing career dissatisfaction
He also shared his career journey with me, and explained why he’s sometimes a ‘Tweaker’ and other times he’s a ‘Toe-dipper’ (all will become clear when you watch/listen!).
He's recently created a fantastic free tool for job seekers 👉 Get Hired Toolkit
He also co-hosts a podcast called 'TA Tech Unboxed' which is well worth checking out.