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Ready for a
career change?
Want to find work that you LOVE?

If you've had a successful career to-date, and feel now is the time for you to make a change, you're in the right place.


In just 4 weeks, you'll have much more clarity about what you want to do, and how to make that leap. 

Get the best career change tips

and get closer to a much more fun and fulfilling career

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What others say...

"If I had done those coaching sessions a year ago I would have taken the opportunity to change job much sooner, and it would have spared me a lot of stress and anxiety due to a toxic work environment. I therefore strongly recommend Yesim for her enthusiasm and positive attitude towards the whole process of personal growth. A little step back in order to give your career a sparkling twist! Thank you greatly for such a gentle opportunity of self-assessment!"


Yesim really helped me get clarity around what I wanted to get out of my career change - why I was doing it and what I was hoping it would give me.

She has a fantastic approach where she asks questions that challenged me to focus on the reasons and the outcome I was looking for. 

She was so encouraging and would help me focus on the positives in my answers, yet still acknowledging the challenges I had to overcome. It was so refreshing to speak to someone who has been on the journey herself, as well as having worked with many people who were going through the same process as me.


"Thanks to your programme I have completely changed my outlook and I am now really excited to explore what the future may hold. I would definitely recommend your programme to anyone who is unsure or stuck in their job or career. Thank you!!"

Natalie K

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